The Adventurist

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Barfing Bums and Crying at Movies.

I just got my dream job.

I'm officially a delivery driver for a healthy foods company called Delish and Nutrish. I'm getting paid approximately $50 an hour to drive around dropping food on doorsteps. Epic.

I start tomorrow and I'll be making a new playlist tonight for the adventure.

I just started volunteering in a second grade classroom at a public elementary school here in Santa Barbara. I'm officially known as a "Pre-Professional." The class is primarily Hispanic. There's one little Asian boy and one little white girl, excuse me, Caucasian. For the most part, English is their second language so the class is rough. The highlight of my day was when a young girl named Fatima wrote a letter to me talking about how she wanted to share her teddy bear with me. The lowlight was proctoring an assessment for a little boy who could barely read. He yelled at me and almost started crying as we sat on the bench outside the classroom.

Thursday I start volunteering in an art class at a private school in Montecito. Rich white kids. Should be quite the contrast.

Yesterday I took Adeline to the park. She turns one on the 20th. She's walking. When I met her she could barely roll over. It's weird. And awesome. What's also awesome is over-hearing a vagrant vomiting whilst swinging Adeline at the park. Or not so awesome.

Anthony's nearly through Day 8 of the cleanse.

I ate popcorn at the movie theater in front of him yesterday. He insisted I get it because he likes the smell.

Side note: The movie 50/50 pinched my ducts a bit. It's good.

The cartoon Allen Gregory is funny.

And I have a renewed love for the Heytell app.


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