The Adventurist

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stretch Marks and Love Handles.

You know how I know he's the one?

He likes doing puzzles almost more than I do. About 54% of our free time together is spent puzzling, hovering over our dining room table (which is never used for dining, and always used for puzzling).

Not only does he like puzzles, he cooks for me. The way to my heart is clearly through my stomach and my boyfriend is an incredible cook. Just this morning he made me, go ahead and gasp, a peanut butter and jelly omelet. I know I know, sounds disgusting, but you gotta come over and try one. It doesn't even look like an omelet...looks more like a crepe, with egg texture.

Not only does he like puzzles, and he cooks for me, he has the same great taste in music as I do. For my birthday he made me 17 mix cds. Hellloooooo...he's a winner. We went to a Trevor Hall concert the other night together. I adore Santa Barbara. Not only is there great live music available all the time (we're going to Paul Simon later this month) but we can walk to it. Magical.

In other news, I'm applying to grad school again. Epic fail on the creative writing trek to Portland...I've decided to apply to UCSB and Antioch for my teaching credential...going for elementary school. It feels good to be studying again...I've got several rather expensive standardized tests coming up...which I'm not so excited about...but studying for them is, I don't know if 'fun' would be the right word, but enjoyable will suffice. It's nice to have a goal's been awhile since I've had one of those.

Tomorrow starts the marathon training schedule once again...we'll see how long it lasts.

As far as means of gainful employment, I'm a professional child watcher. Does that make me sound like a pedophile? Oh sorry, I meant supernanny extraordinaire. Is that better? I watch children for approximately 35 to 40 hours a week and I tutor a child for another 4 hours a week. I have nights and weekends off and I'm able to pay my bills. I much prefer professional child watching over slinging drinks and selling my soul to the promotions department of Sandbar. And yeah, I was a lifeguard once for a family camp, but I'll never do that again. I'd work for the family camp again but lifeguarding just ain't for me dudes. Staring at a pool for 4 hours at a time is excruciating. Not my cup of tea.

I read a lot more these days. I strap up the babe in the bjorn and walk for about 45 minutes a day and not only does the child fall asleep, but I get some solid page turning time in. I've read three books in the past three weeks and I'm currently working on Chuck Klosterman's Killing Yourself To Live. Interesting concept. The two Chuck's in my life are fascinating writers. Chuck Palahniuk is an incredible writer as well. Once I plugged in one of my droppin geez blogs into this "Compare your writing style to a famous author" website, and my winning answer was Chuck Palahniuk. I was honored.

Although I read more, my writing life has taken a serious blow. I'm attempting to jump back on the horse but I don't know that I have the time to pursue this whole marathon thing again, nurture a healthy relationship with a boy, work full time, aaand write. Nurture a healthy relationship, ha, I sound like a pre-marital counselor...which reminds me, I sorta wanna start looking into that. Now if only I had the extra money to throw at it, but no, I have to spend all my extra cash monies on standardized tests...oh, and puzzles.

Other not so notable but rather entertaining reflections on my life include..

1. I've become one of Chipotle's number one customers as I eat there at least once a week.
2. I gained the equivalent of the freshman 15 over the summer. Although I'm not a freshman, these hips ain't lying as they spill over the sides of all of my jeans. Hello muffin top. You depress me and I hate you.
3. I've thought about going to Oregon to visit in December but grips of paranoia seize my body as I envision driving in snow and ice. Yeah, not so sure about that.
4. It's been a year since the season finale of True Life: I'm an Intern at Washington Family Ranch. It's just weird.
5. Jalapeno flavored food items are officially my new vice.
6. A baby threw up on me the other day.
7. There were dehydrated blueberries in it.
8. I watched a movie called The Fourth Kind last night. And I officially believe in alien abduction now.
9. I left my phone on top of my boyfriend's car whilst getting gas and then proceeded to drive away. And then I watched it fly off in the rear view mirror. We then proceeded to pull over, run back, and retrieve the obliterated phone. I saved $250 bucks by presenting the remains to the insurance company. What could have been a $350 dollar bonehead move, since became a $100 bonehead move. Hooray.
10. I don't really write letters anymore. It's sad.
11. My old roommate de-friended me on Facebook. I think it's because I accidentally took her vegetable steamer when I moved away.
12. There's a bicycle perched behind my table in the corner of the coffee shop that I'm currently sitting at. I've hit my head on the tire approximately 7 times in the past hour.

Ok. I guess that's it for now.

Until next time, read a book, eat some jalapeno chips, and check out Trevor Hall's new album.

The end.


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