The Adventurist

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I've been wanting to slap you upside the head with an update about my life for awhile now but I've been investing my time elsewhere on other seemingly menial but far more important tasks such as inflating giant sea dragons, wrestling with zip ties, scratching mold out of mini fridges with my fingernails, power washing my name in the dirt and bird poop on the pool deck, and of course pounding choreographed dances into my head like it's crunch time for a big test.

Work week is officially over.

Ninety plus hours of mayhem involving fifty plus staffers and what was once a boring college dorm has been transformed into a magical land of super hero themed family vacation stardom. I wish you all would come visit.

I don't know that I've thoroughly explained to you all that my job entails.

Ok, yes, it's true, I'm only getting paid four bucks an hour, which is a nauseatingly drastic pay cut from what I was making at the bar, but no matter, because this job is sincerely unbeatable.

I'm a lifeguard at a family camp. I get paid to watch a pool and blow a whistle when the kiddies get out of hand. No, this is not to undermine my responsibilities as a lifesaver. I take my job seriously. But for the most part, it's pretty chill.

The pool is only open about 4 hours a day.

Which means that the other hours of my schedule are chalk full of family bingo (it's disco themed so best believe I'll be roller skating in gold hot pants with a blonde afro), bike rides, softball games, karaoke, lots of precious babies, and the best part of all...performing on stage.

Yes, I got cast in the show. When I worked at this camp four years ago the theme was Wild Wild West and I played a granny who was in danger of losing her ranch...the protagonist for all intents and purposes. Now I'm on the other side of the spectrum. I'm a sassy Lagoon Lady with a ferocious hair flip and an incessant foot pop who is out to sabotage the Vacation Center and destroy all happiness.

I can't really express how wonderful it is to be back in my element. Laughing with children, leading athletic activities, being loud and absurd. It's magical. And you're all invited to come check it out.

Please have a little look see for yourself.

And I'll try and post pictures and videos as the summer progresses...

Here's a couple to tide you over...

This is the posse of Lagoonies. Elvira is the villian in the center...and the rest of us are her little cronies.

I play the part well, wouldn't ya say?

And as far as after summer is over...I haven't the foggiest...

So be praying for and with me...And if you see any full time jobs just lying around, don't hesitate to pick 'em up and throw 'em my way.


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