The Adventurist

Sunday, July 3, 2011

your best vacation since becoming parents.

I just realized I've been using a men's restroom for the past two weeks. It clearly says MEN on it in nice bold capital letters, but apparently I've subconsciously denied this piece of advice. This isn't leading to any awkward encounters with men in the restroom, although I did have one of those once at a bathroom in Portland. (insert fist to mouth quick inhale through teeth gesture here) Supes awkward.

But I live on an all girl's floor, hence the obvious oblivion I've found myself in regarding this male restroom. There aren't any urinals. How's a girl to know the difference?

I met a bird named Ricky the other day. He perched on my finger and then proceeded to fly around the room landing on various heads of the most unsuspecting victims. He absolutely hates when you play with his tailfeather. Guessing he's a heterosexual birdie.

This is pretty Ricky. And that's my friend Mike in the background, apparently starring in a gun show.

At the VC (short for FVC, which is, in turn, short for Family Vacation Center, which is where I work) we're fond of dressing up. You might just call us a little over the top. I'm not talking dressing up like ties,  and collars, dresses and heels, I'm talking dress up like Lady Gaga wearing Anything But Clothes. Weird. And awesome. I had less than 24 hours to prepare for this particular event, so I made a skirt out of a pillowcase and called it a night.

That's a flat sheet tied around my upper half. And teasing hair is fun in the moment. The aftermath of combing it out, not so fun. 

Here's the inflatable sea dragon I told you about earlier...

Of course I'm wearing pink hot pants while simultaneously simulating riding a 6 foot sea dragon. Why wouldn't I be?

And here's a picture of my pride and's a bulletin board I got the privilege of designing...

It's really too bad it's in an obscure location so hardly anyone gets to enjoy it.

Other epic milestones of this week include, but are not limited to...

1. Scraping both knees whilst diving for a grounder in the staff vs. vacationer softball game (which reminds me, I absolutely despise the hair that grows out of scabs. You can't shave it so it just grows and grows while the rest of your leg is silky and smooth. Sick).

2. Conquering 26 miles on a bicycle (which reminds me, it doesn't matter how thick and full of gel-like substance your seat cushion is, your butt will still hurt after riding that long).

3. Successfully denying dessert twice in the past week (which reminds me, don't ever eat the rocky road fudge bar at the Carrillo Dining Commons, because it will cause heads to turn and exclamations of incredulity to splash out of mouths around you, not to mention it probably has at least a thousand calories).

4. Getting told "I want to be you" by a ten year old girl (which reminds me, gold hot pants and roller skates can potentially get you in trouble if you're trying to impress vacationers with your dance moves at Family Disco Bingo).

5. Regaining my dignity after my first karaoke encounter (which reminds me, singing Womanizer with a really attractive gay man might give people the wrong idea...he told vacationers we'd been dating for two was epic).

Those are just a few of the things I get paid to do...

You really should come visit. 


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