The Adventurist

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

An Empty Stomach Apology.

First of all, I'd like to offer up a solemn and sincere apology for the few expletives that slipped my fingers in the last blog. I hope you'll accept and attempt to understand my severe emotional condition...severe at that time. I look back and blush with embarrassment at my ability to be so silly. And then we moved on.

I swore I'd never do it again. But here we are in Day 1 of the dastardly Master Cleanse.

Oh spicy lemonade, how I loathe thee.

Anthony and I looked at each other last night during intermission of the zombie musical we were attending and shamefully admitted that we both weigh more than we've ever weighed in our lives. I'm not sure what it was about the dancing dead people spurting blood into the audience that made us admit such a folly but the confession only served to amplify our commitment to the master cleanse.

A ten day stint without food. What better way to attempt a dramatic change in diet than to completely wipe out food altogether.

Instead of food we will substitute salt water, laxative teas, and spicy lemonade. Oh joy.

Anthony has also admitted a bout of nausea due to a certain 30 dollar purchase involving organic maple syrup. His text and I quote, "I feel sick. Just bought 30 dollar syrup and it's not even for pancakes." Of course there would be an organic food store in Santa Barbara that is perfectly comfortable charging such an abominable amount for syrup. Santa Barbara is ruthless. And yet I submit myself to such financial bludgeoning daily. Oh joy.

In other news Halloween is over.. (insert silly costume photo here)

and the Christmas caroling has begun via my itunes library. Oh sweet heavenly joy. No sarcasm intended with this one.

I'm off to clean my bathroom. The world map shower curtain is awesome, but no amount of awesomeness excuses the what can only be described as scum that is currently living in the bottom of the tub. Oh joy.


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