The Adventurist

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Money and Other Things.

I spent $682.41 this morning.

Don't worry, I didn't spend all my nickels in one place. Which makes it ok right?


Because it was all on things that aren't fun in the slightest. Bleh.

It was distributed as so... if you care...

One of seventeen million $282.91 car payments (don't worry, I've only got a year left of 'em).

A phone bill (which includes the $100 bonehead move from the last blog).

A Certificate of Clearance to teach in the state of California (apparently a fee of $29.50 is necessary to prove that I'm not a criminal).

A rather reluctant entry into the GRE (I know I said studying was enjoyable, but that doesn't mean I want to pay $160 bucks to take a 4 1/2 hour standardized test).

And a very upsetting parking ticket (paying $4 for a visitor parking permit does not excuse you from parking in a staff only lot. typical blonde).

Friday I spent $133 bucks on fingerprints. I threw up in my mouth a little when the woman told me that I have to send two entirely separate sets of prints, one to the district and one to the state. Ummm...I'm pretty sure my fingerprint didn't change in the 33 seconds between your button clicking over there missy.

I certainly got swindled.

I also spent $25 on a TB test that took about 17 seconds.

I was whining to Anthony the other day (Oh, Anthony is my boyfriend, in case you didn't know. And I've inserted this parenthetical comment simply to say boyfriend, because I like saying boyfriend, because you see, I've never had one of those before, ya know, a boyfriend. So it's fun to say. Ok, I'm done now) about how much money I have to spend just to APPLY to grad school.

He replied with "It's an investment."

"Yeah, well what happens when you don't get in?" says the little leprechaun on my shoulder. (I prefer leprechauns over angels and devils. They're way more fun, but equally as advisory. At least in my mind).

Well if you don't get in, that's approximately $906.50, an entire semester of a political science class, three agonizing standardized tests, ten minutes in a cold dark room having a woman awkwardly roll your fingers across a little screen several times back and forth, a short stint behind a curtain ending in a pin prick, and one happy-go-lucky group screening interview all down the drain.

"So you better fucking get in!" says the little leprechaun. He's a feisty little bugger.

Enough about money, and grad school, and snarky leprechauns...I get to watch two of my favorite children tomorrow.

Hanna and Dominic. Hanna is almost 4 and Dominic is 16 months and they're delightful. Hanna is my favorite almost 4 yr old ever. She has this incredible curly hair and she's so sassy and she calls me silly all the time. Any child that calls me silly has my heart in the palm of their hand. Dominic has these huge brown eyes and his giggle is absolutely wonderful. I cannot wait.

I finished Chuck Klosterman and moved onto another new favorite, Anne Lamott. This book is called Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith. It's great. I've got the sequel Plan B: Some Other Thoughts on Faith lined up right behind. I found them both at thrift stores within a week of each other. I consider it destiny.

My favorite song right now is Trevor Hall's Te Amo.

And I'm no longer going to Paul Simon because the cheapest ticket is a hundred bones!! And considering how much I just dropped on the afore-mentioned grad school endeavors, there's no room in this pocketbook for Mr. Simon. Bummer dude.

I'm drinking an iced coffee but I'm still sweating. Apparently I'm cooking up some more muffin for the top. Oh, it is love. No. No it's not.

Anthony and I got in a fight yesterday about hiking. I wanted to hike. He didn't. We fought. And then I did laundry while he mopped the floor. At least it was a productive fight, however backwards that might be.

I've watched every single episode of every single season of The Big Bang Theory. Not only have I watched them, I own them. At first I felt really conflicted about not only watching, but laughing as well. A person of faith becoming an avid follower of something so blasphemous just cannot be. But it is, and I am, and I got over my conviction really fast because Sheldon Cooper is incredible, as is Amy Farrah Fowler, and Howard's mother. I even have a commemorative t-shirt that came with the purchase of Season 4 on DVD.

In other news,

  • our TV is outstanding. 46''. LED. HDTV. with DirecTV. the picture blows my mind every time.
  • our couch finally came in the mail. in a giant box. there was talk of building a fort with the box. and then we just cut it up and threw it away. what a shame. the couch is funny. a small couch for two big people. I feel like the star on TLC's latest series Big People Little World. 
  • Anthony made the most incredible french toast for brinner last night. 
  • it costs $3.25 to wash one load of laundry in a Santa Barbara laundromat. and that's not including the dry time.
  • I'm going to Chipotle approximately 37 seconds after I finish this blog.
  • I'm not doing so well on the math portions of my GRE study book. which makes me very nervous.
  • my mom and I have been talking more frequently than usual. and by more frequently I mean three times per month rather than one.
  • I think it's because she's happy I have a boyfriend, which disproves her theories about my being a lesbian. and she's anxious for grandchildren. 
  • all my silly costumes are sitting on the SB Young Life doorstep in a giant black plastic bag. apparently I've grown out of them. it's a very sad day. I secretly kept four items. for what use I have no idea, considering I no longer lead YL and don't go to themed parties, but they were too epic to part from. they are: two 80's windbreakers, a pair of hot pink spandex, and a furry vest.
No more news. 

RIP Steve Jobs.


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