The Adventurist

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm high in the sky on a fat shroud of clouds right now.

Today is a good day.


The hottie from the coffee shop sat down and chatted with me for almost a whole half hour today at work...and then my boss the buzzkill had to arrive and break up the party... I love when he comes in though because it's sort of like a distorted form of courtship...he comes in every time I'm working, seeks me out, starts convo with me...every time he comes in we learn a little bit more about each other. Today was sort of monumental for us. We shared a bit of academic and professional experience...ya know, where we went to school and the various jobs we work...we talked about books and art and trees. Good stuff. And he's incredibly attractive. Normally I get all weird and nervous around incredibly attractive men (and I refer to him as a man because I found out today that he's 33, a man indeed), but with Bret(t) (I've yet to figure out if he spells it with one or two t's) I'm completely comfortable...not only am I completely comfortable, I might be a little too at ease with him...especially since I look like shitake mushrooms when I get to work at 5:15 in the's weird how honest he is with me, and I likewise...considering we're merely coffee shop's a distorted sort of courtship...and I'm thrilled with it.


I got off work at 7:51 am this morning. Weird. I was supposed to work until 10 but because we were abnormally slow, my boss shoo'ed me out of the restaurant two hours before I was scheduled to leave. Pity me. Although I won't be making that extra eighteen dollars for those two hours, I got the rest of my morning to go on a beautifully long run along the beach. It was magical. And much needed. I think I went out for about 6 miles which is a record for my past couple months. I've neglected my passion for running as of late, due to various other clutterous life occurrences. But fear no more little running shoes, I will be donning you far more often as I slowly but surely feel myself settling into this new "season" of life.


I met my soul mate. Yeah, she's a girl. But we're going to be friends for both this life and that eternal one too. I just know it. Her name is Ashlee. And she's incredible. You know that expression "like two peas in a pod?" Well I'm one pea, and she's the other. My apartment was going to be our pod because she was almost going to move in with us, which is how I met her...but things sorta fell through...but I was adamant about meeting up with her because I knew that she was my soul mate. Ok, I guess soul mate is a little too endearing for us at this point in our friendship, but she's really rad and I'm totally stoked on her right now. She's from Sisters, Oregon. My favorite city in this country. She's a personal trainer for old people, and Madonna. Not that Madonna's old or anything. I mean she's getting there, but yeah, Ashlee teaches Madonna aqua aerobics. So I'm pretty much cool by association. I think I might start telling people that I know Madonna. And I think I might start going to Ashlee's aquatics class, so that mayyyybe Madonna might accidentally splash me at some point during the class and then I can rave about it to everyone I know..."OH MY GOSHHHH...Madonna, yeah, THE MADONNA, yeah she splashed me once. I was in the row right behind her at this aqua aerobics class in Santa Barbara. And she splashed me! Can you believe it. If only it wasn't already water, I would never wash it off. I can't believe that the same water that touched her body, touched mine. Oh my gosh. That is soooo cool." Ok, that's enough...but seriously, Ashlee is Madonna's aqua aerobics instructor. And she loves Jesus. And she's super fun. And she's from Sisters. So yeah. I got myself a new bestie.


I had one of my tests at Sandbar today...for those of you who don't know, since I haven't really declared it on my blog yet, I am officially a bartender. Ok, not officially yet, because I actually haven't worked a shift behind the bar yet...but I got hired as a bartender at the hottest restuarant/bar/nightclub in town...and by hottest, I mean most popular. So I had one of my tests today, I have to take a series of four tests on the menu and pricing and drink recipes and such, and I totally aced that ish. So I'm stoked on that!!


I've spent the last month of my life not only working my ass off at Goleta Coffee and nannying, I've been writing...a lot. I told you guys about that Santa Barbara Guide that I'd been commissioned to write...well I finished it. And it went live today!! You have to check it out! I wrote all the content on this site, You have to go read it!! I'm so stoked on life right now.

I get to spend Thanksgiving with my brother. Which is huge. We haven't spent a holiday together in a really long time. I have new brakes and fresh oil in my car. I found another box of books in the garage, which is like Christmas come early, and I think we might have solved my roommate problem...we've been searching for a new roommate and we have to have someone move in by the first...and I think we finally found someone...just in the nick of time.

Praise Jesus.


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