The Adventurist

Monday, September 20, 2010


I should be packing, but instead I'm blogging.

Classic case of procrastination.


My room is a fiasco. A fierce fiasco.

Boxes. Papers. Dirty underwear.


I'm only an intern at the Washington Family Ranch for six more days. Jigga what?

I'm feverishly searching for a place of residence in the land called Santa Barbara.
I'm anxiously neglecting packing up this campy life of mine. Anxiously neglecting? Paradoxical. Yes. Deal with it.
I'm tangled up in One Tree Hill again. Nearly half way through Season 7.
I'm aching with lactic acid buildup. Completed my first triathlon this morning. That slopped together with the common case of dehydration I got goin' on just makes for a fat load of discomfort.
I'm whirring with dreams for the new chapter. I mean, I'M not whirring. My brain is whirring. I guess I could whir. But that might be weird.
I'm dwelling in the presence of Jesus. If you haven't heard of Mike Ashburn, google that dude. And then go watch him speak somewhere. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. He struck a match and lit my heart right up the other night. I want my husband to be just like that, minus about 40 years.

All these I'ms.

It's time to take a look at the great I AM.

So lay on the ground. Right now. Do it. Lay on the ground. Supine. That means face up. Palms open. And just be still. Most people get on their knees and put their heads to the floor, bowing down in worship. That's a little too closed off and closed up for me. I'd rather be wide open. Wholly surrendered. Laying on the ground. In stillness.

Try it.

Close your eyes and take some deep slow breaths.

Soothing to my soul. Hopefully yours as well.


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