The Adventurist

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Ok friends. It's the last week of camp. I'm sitting in my little hole in the wall behind the club room listening to 100 teen moms sing and clap with utter abandon.

It's the last week of camp and I just spent the past hour and a half saying goodbye to a dear friend and her family. The Hamiltons have been out here for about as long as I have. They worked for Mark 2, which is a special needs ministry out here at the ranch...and now they're leaving, moving back to Texas. I got a bit of a reality check when they shared the news that they were leaving. My heart was saddened and I was talking with Krista about it...and she was like, "'re leaving too."

That's when it hit me.

I'm leaving too. In just over a month.

So then I got back to my second home, the video suite, and started reading through blogs that I had written at the very beginning of this year. And I'm near tears. It's incredible to read where my heart was at a year ago. People, if you don't journal or blog or write little letters to yourself every once in awhile, you need to, because it's absolutely indescribable, to be able to see the transformations in your life, no matter how small.

I'm serious.

I was engulfed in a conversation about two hours ago, a conversation about how my life is going to be different when I move back to Santa Barbara. It will be different despite the same jobs, the same house, the same friends that I had before I moved to Oregon. It will be different because I am a new creation. It was so fun to share with my friend Kathi about the ways I'm going to speak out...the ways Jesus is going to challenge me...a little nerve-wracking, but fun nevertheless.

It's YoungLives week here at camp. A hundred teen moms and their babies. Remember how I was sharing with you about how I want a baby? This week has the ability to stifle that desire or make it blossom beyond belief. I'm nervous.

And now I have to go film the obstacle course.

A couple weeks ago I was challenged to walk through that camp week as if it was my last. Well I've reached my last camp week and it's so easy to wish it away. I'm so anxious for summer to be over, but my prayer for this moment, for this week, is that I wouldn't wish it away, that I would remain present and teachable.

Why don't you live this week as if it was your last also. It very well could be.


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