The Adventurist

Sunday, July 25, 2010


As I sit in my room alone, plucking grapes and popping the juicy morsels into my eager mouth, I am reminiscent of all that has happened in this twenty-second year of mine.

Yup. Tis the eve of my twenty-third birthday. Twenty-three seems like a hugely insignificant age to turn, and yet, I think I might treasure this birthday more than all those others combined. Largely because I am determined to pay homage to a year that no one ever does, but also because this year has been monumental in this wobbly life of mine. As I bring in twenty-three, I celebrate all the growth, refinement, redemption, renovation, and healing that occurred in twenty-two.

I got baptized on the twenty-third day of this month. Seems only fitting that I would be turning twenty-three in this same month. God is so silly like that.

I'd been contemplating baptism for years. But it just never felt right. Felt right, as in the Holy Spirit wasn't nudging me to hop in the water just yet.

And then July happened and I felt the nudge. I actually knew since the moment Krista got dunked with all her family present in June, that I was supposed to go under in July when all my family was present.

I heard it. And I listened.

The day was perfect. The location was perfect. The company was perfect.

God really is just too good.

And I left those things, those sticky quotes from satan, under the water. I did. And it feels magical. I haven't smiled this much. I haven't laughed this hard. I haven't felt this confident. This light. This free. Ever.

I'll include pictures when I have more reliable internet. Which will be tomorrow. So hang tight.

And so I say goodnight.

Be radical. Think revolutionary. Just imagine.


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