The Adventurist

Thursday, June 10, 2010

When Tires Fly.

I've reached 100 posts. That's kind of a milestone huh?

Anyway, moving on to bigger and better the fact that I had what could be classified as my first near death experience today. I mean, I'm sure I've had many near death experiences, but for the sake of this moment, let's just say this was my first one.

Let me tell you about it.

Krista, our new roommate Katie, and I, were all headed out of camp on a quick trip to town to pick up some groceries. We're moseyin' along, jammin' to Katy Perry's Wakin' Up In Vegas when all of a sudden there's a tire rolling up the mountain next to us, yes, A TIRE... rolling up the mountain... next to us.

It was rather surreal the way it all panned out. Krista's tire flew off her car, rolled up the mountain, and then flew back over the road, to land in a ditch across the street. We were still on the camp road when this near death experience occurred.

There must have been a slew of guardian angels surrounding the car because we literally coasted to a stop. She hit the brakes and we scraped along the road for a bit, but it was quite divine how the tire just sort of slipped off and we rolled to a stop.

Imagine if we had been on the highway.

Imagine if we had been going faster.

Imagine if there had been other cars or bystanders.

This catastrophe could have been so absolutely tragic.

Instead we have a God to praise and a story to tell as we walk away screaming and shouting with laughter, adrenaline shooting through our veins as we go on a silver lug nut hunt.

We hunted for lug nuts prior to discovering that all 5 of them had snapped off. Snapped. Off. How in the world does that happen?

All I have to say is praise Jesus. Not only do I have a phenomenal story to tell but I came out of the incident with a new friend. Her name is Katie Campbell. And she's rad.

check out a video of the aftermath...please take note of Wes laughing at :45 in the second video.


At June 11, 2010 at 1:36 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

You are sooooo amazing! I never knew you had a blog! Now that I know, if you keep writing, ill keep reading and commenting. Thanks for sharing your life! :)

Daniel Ruiz


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