The Adventurist

Thursday, May 27, 2010

You Only Live Once.

Yo yo yooooooo...

So I was totally Debbie Downer in the last blog. I sincerely apologize for that one. But you can't be Super Susie all the time, now can ya?

Anywhooooo...I went to Reno, and it was absolutely mind-blowing.

It was magical.

It was perfect.

Are you ready for this three, two, one, ok goooooo....

Hopped in my car after work Sunday night and headed to Meats (Taco Bell) and Treats (Dairy Queen) with great friends. After successfully expanding my stomach beyond it's comfort zone, I then drove to Bend to pick up my accomplice on this mission not so impossible.

The mission: Meet Dean.

Drove 6 1/2 hours from Bend to Reno feasting on Swedish Fish, Teddy Grahams, Ritz and Jiffy Reduced Fat, oh, and cookies, banana chocolate chip cookies. Almost hit a family of deer going 85, then actually did hit a rabbit going 85, had a moment of silence, a tear might have crested my cheek bone, and then we arrived...

at the border of California and Nevada. There was a brief pit stop at a bar called The Eagle's Nest where we met the fire chief and I used the bathroooom.

We pitched a twin size tent in what we found out was a housing development come morning time. We slept next to the highway directly on the border of California and Nevada. Slept is an overstatement. There were about three hours of attempted rejuvenation in which we were largely unsuccessful and then we hit up the Westside Cafe for breakfast.

From the Westside we headed to the site of the mission. The Grand Sierra Resort.

I dolled up in a casino bathroom.

And then we perused the resort, scouring the scene for Dean.

I was anticipating a situation in which I'd have to turn on my charm and twirl my hair, blow some bubbly smiles and maybe an excessive amount of fake words dripping with make believe sincerity, all in order to get into this conference. This conference where Dean was speaking. He had told me prior to the conference that it was up to me to get in. He couldn't get me a pass or meet me before or after the seminar. If I wanted in, I had to work it out. So I was anticipating the worst.

God sprinkled some providence over that casino. He really did. Because we were just walking down the hall when we came upon a line of people. As we approached the front of the line, there he was. Dean was just hanging out in the hallway doing a book signing. I didn't have to sell my soul to get into the conference. He was sitting in the hallway!

So I got really flustered. Started sweating a lot. And had to sit down to collect my thoughts and throw some prayers up to Jesus. This was really happening.

I was going to get to talk to Dean Karnazes about the possibilities of making a dream come true.

The line dissipated and I made the move. I darted in as he was packing up his bag to head back to his hotel room and catch his flight out.

At this point there are puddles underneath my arms but all I care about is getting some words with Dean.

I introduce myself and ask if I can walk with him for a minute. There is another woman with us who is going to show him around the conference center but he asks her if he can have a few minutes with me. Can you believe it? Dean asked someone else more important to wait, so that he could chat with me!!

So we sat down at a table nearby and he poured me a goblet of water. And then we proceeded to have a most magical conversation in which he gave me tons of pointers on how to obtain a sponsor, told me I was legit, and offered to give input on anything that I come up with in the future. We kept eye contact the entire conversation and he was present and personable. I loved it. It couldn't have been more perfect.

Mission accomplished.

From there, my accomplice and I decided to celebrate. Adrenaline junkie style. There was this contraption called The Ultimate Rush hanging out in the parking lot of the resort. Sort of like the swing here at camp, except 20 times taller and you're not sitting in a seat, you're wrapped up like a burrito.

I had to pull the cord that sent us plummeting through the air.

It was worth the $25.

From the freefall we ended up laying in a park in the sun for hours as we waited for my brother to get home from school. Double whammy. Not only do I get to meet Dean, but I get quality time with my little brother. Not only do I get quality time with my little brother, but I get to indulge in burgers and shakes at In 'N Out.

From In 'N Out we head back to my brother's house where I have great conversation full of joy and laughter with my step-dad and his two younger sons. Complete answer to prayer.

I invited them all to family camp. We'll see what happens.

Hugs and then we hop in the car to Tahoe. Driving to my cousin Jay's house for a night of rest under a roof, rather than a tent.

We pit stop at a pier to watch the sunset and who do we meet but 21 yr old Richard, the pot-smoking "pardon me" boy who spilled his life story all over us in a period of 5 minutes. I learned about his ex-girlfriend's drug addiction, his parents ex-communication, the parameters of his job, and all his hot spots to get drunk in Tahoe. Our cue to leave was his a cappella rendition of Jim Morrison. I stifled my laughter as we excused ourselves kindly.

Oh the places you'll go, oh the people you'll meet. I pray a guardian angel over you dear Richard.

From the pier we made it to the apartment. Let me just tell you that my cousin Jason is really cool. He's a phenomenal artist, as is his roommate Sean. Their apartment is decorated in color and creativity. And it's awesome!

After another night of distressful rest we woke up to cinnamon rolls. And promises of a perfect time of climbing. Jay took us rock-climbing and although I'm not the biggest fan of scaling cliffs, I had a rather enjoyable time. I liked the watching more than the actual climbing. I haven't quite figured out why I don't like it. Maybe it's the painfully ragged fingertips it leaves me with, or the utter uncertainty of where my hands or feet will hold on next, or maybe it's the complete trust I have to invest in the person belaying me. I had fun. But I'm not sure I'd do it again.

From climbing we hit up all you can eat pizza at the round table. All you can eats are stupid. I always find myself on the tail end of an all you can eat, thinking why? Was it really worth it? This disgusting unforgivable pain I feel. Apparently it was, because it's not too long before I find myself at another all you can eat. Thanks America, for inventing the all you can eat buffet.

Feeling disgruntled and uncomfortable we hit the road headed back to Reno where I'm aiming to get one last bit of quality time with my brother before I head back to glorious Oregon. Turns out my brother's in a mood. My step-dad likes to joke that he's menstruating. At this moment, it seemed true. I knocked on my brother's bedroom door to invite him to hang out for a bit and he sloughed me off like the dead skin settled on his windowsill. He was rude and cold and hurtful. So I left him. I left him to sulk and hit the road to Bend.

The car ride home was full and the conversation was rich.

And then we nearly ran out of gas. The light came on with 42 miles to the nearest station. We later learned that my car gets 43 mpg. Yeah. Ridiculous. Ridiculously awesome! Needless to say, we made it to fuel in time.

This weekend was a weekend of firsts and I had come to terms with running out of gas because it's something I'd never done before. But it was raining so I think God had a little mercy on us.

We arrived in Bend where there was a de-briefing of the trip and a magical meal of home-made spaghetti at 10:30 at night. Perfect.

Sorry that was so long and breathy. I hope you felt like you were there with us at least. That way your time was well spent.

Stay tuned for deep insight into my spiritual life. It's coming very soon.


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