The Adventurist

Monday, April 26, 2010


My time in Colorado has come to a sweet and savory close.

It's been a delight.

I think I could move to Colorado and be quite content. What with the rocky mountain highs, the altitude induced euphoria, the endless ranges to explore, I'm not sure why I haven't moved already.

Back to reality, ohht there goes gravity.

Flying back to Oregon tomorrow at 6:05 am, which means I have to catapult myself out of bed at 4am, which means I should have knocked myself unconscious, oh, about four hours ago...

But I was socializing. No time for sleep when there's conversation to be had.

I got to check another YoungLife camp off my list today. I tramped around Crooked Creek Ranch and when I say tramp, I mean trudge, sludge, scramble. Apparently it's mud season at the ranch. I nearly lost my shoes in the muck, but the mud only proved to be a cheap source of entertainment, rather than a dirty nuisance. I enjoyed my brief time at the CCR. I got to play in housekeeping a bit today. I indulged in my three favorite hygienic pastimes and those include but are not limited to, scrubbing toilets, washing dished, and folding towels.

My heart is full.

I got to meet all the interns at Crooked Creek and learn a bit about how their program operates. It was really cool to be immersed in a rich and genuine community so similar and yet so different from my own campy community.

And now I'm back in the princess bed for a brief stint before it's back to my home, my Oregon home.

Things to remember from this trip...

  • Dan Dyer's incessant "your mom" jokes colliding with Peter Gleish's 8 kids with weird names. (Peter's words, not mine.)
  • Becoming a grown-up in the YL service center. Yup. I sorted through hundreds of college emails in an effort to transition to a new grown up email address. Almost there.
  • Running trails with no direction or destination, deciding I need to be near moving water always
  • The local Loaf & Jug. Provides for a swell topic of conversation.
  • Ambling antelope on the way to the airport. 
  • Dazzling moonlight on mountains. 
  • Don't ever get a dog that sheds. You'll spend your life savings on lint rollers. And that's just pathetic. So be advised.
  • Minneolas are da bomb. Cross between a Duncan grapefruit and a Dancy tangerine. Wikipedia definition. Although I wish I could claim that description.
  • Rich time with Jesus in the Soobie (aka the Subaru.)
  • Hernando's pizza in Winter Park. Go there. And color a dollar to add to the 20,000 that decorate the dingy walls. The sight will pop your eyeballs, open, not out. Seriously, quite the sight. 
  • Poor Richard's Discount Bookstore. I think I could have spent all the fake money I have in there. Dear Jesus, help me not to love books so much that I spend all the fake money I have on them. My credit card can't handle any more swiping for books. Gosh, I just love books so much. I discovered a new author at Poor Richard's. Her name is Sloane Crosley and the book is called "I Thought There'd Be Cake." Need I say more?
Enough remembering. Time for sleep.

Pray that my brain might function properly and that I don't hit an antelope on the way to the airport. That would be rather unfortunate, for both me, and the antelope.

Good night dear friend. Sleep with angels.


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