The Adventurist

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chasing Tumbleweeds.

I went for a run yesterday morning and it was absolutely comical.

Absolutely and completely comical.

I was laughing out loud as I fist fought the wind for ownership of the trail. With every punch, the wind just got angrier and pummeled my face, my body, with it's ferocity.

Have you ever tried running into fierce wind? Not only is it a phenomenal workout, it's absolutely entertaining. I was grinning from ear to ear as I tried to make myself skinnier to avoid the windy slapfest.

As I reached my destination...a sandy plateau over-looking the John Day River, I sat in silence, letting the wind cascade over my body, watching the wind flicker over the surface of the water, chasing the current over the bubbly pebbles.

I told you I live in a wonderland.

Once I returned from my run, after chasing tumbleweeds for an hour, I sat in my upstairs common room, profusely sweating, awaiting a turn in the shower. Daniel and Ashley and I talked about the John Mayer concert they were attending the following evening. I was eagerly anticipating a weekend of solitude at my house as Ashley and Sonia went to Portland and Krista went to the Tri-Cities to spend time with her sister...but then I outlandishly said, "What if I just went with you guys to Portland?...but I coudn't get a ticket to the concert..isn't it sold out?" And Ashley said, "you could buy a scalped ticket." And then Daniel said "You can have my ticket."

Wait...hold up.

He said, "Yeah, you can take my ticket. I've been debating whether I really wanted to go or not."

Sonia got pissed and ran into her room. Then she came out and had an honest convo about how she was upset with Waniel for was a refining moment for Daniel. The friendship reached a new level. There Sonia goes again, making people into better versions of themselves. Love that about her.

All that to say, Daniel gave me his concert ticket and I'm sitting in yet another cozy coffee shop in Portland, as my friends are out shopping the day away. I decided to abstain from the consumerist adventure because I'm really really good at buying things I don't need. Really trying to work on that whole self control issue...and I just love sitting in coffee shops...soooo, here I am...anxiously awaiting my free John Mayer concert.

Someday, I'll play the guitar as well as John. What?


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