The Adventurist

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fit to pop.

Have you ever really thought about the things that make your heart full? The things that drop quarters in the bank of your heart...

Today I went on a run with Tex, my kitchen co-worker, and running really fills me up. You know what else really fills me up?

Knowing that I've been an inspiration to someone.

Tex is registered for his first half marathon in Eugene on May 2nd and today he ran the farthest he's ever run before, and probably the fastest he's ever run before, too. We ran 9 miles today and I've never been so proud, and so full.

So full. After running 9 miles, I went to dinner where I absolutely gorged, so much, so fast. And now I'm lying plump in my bed before I go indulge in a pop for celebration Sunday.

It's a beautiful life.

Oh, I have to mention something else that fills me up that's sort of been consuming me lately. It's this little thing called dreaming...and not the kind you do in your sleep. It's the outrageous, outlandish, imaginary dreamworld that I really really like to dwell in.

Another dream Sabrina, really? You're so full of 'em. Imagine that. I'm full. Of dreams.

So a new dream. I was browsing le internet yesterday morning, dancing around on one of my favorite sites, then somehow, someway I ended up on this girl's blog. A girl that wants to be the youngest female to finish a marathon in all 50 states. She will be 28 yrs and 8 months old when she finishes. Then I got the notion that perhaps I could beat her. I'm 22 and a half and I've already knocked 8 states off the list. That means I have to do 42 marathons in the next 5 years. Totally totally feasible. So then I spent another hour browsing various marathon websites.

Oh this whimsical life of mine.

That's all I got for now. I'm full.


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