The Adventurist

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sometimes I just can’t stop thinking about words.

My stomach grumbles and my mind fidgets with discomfort as I dream up methods of making my words heard.

Getting people interested in what I have to say, now that’s something for my brain to chew on.

I used to spend hours a day consumed by the dilemmas of parents who never loved me. Dwelling in the sadness of the circumstances I’d been dealt.

And now I spend hours a day pondering how to relay the message that becoming a victim of circumstance is like slamming your finger in a car door, repeatedly, and on purpose.

It’s just dumb.

And yet it happens.

All the damn time.

So here I sit, on an uncomfortable wooden chair, with my stomach grumbling, intestines unhappy with the wretched amounts of caffeine I pummeled them with, thinking about what it is that people find captivating.

Captivating enough to read.

Captivating enough to read and then go tell their friends to read.

People are captivated by a couple of things…

Those things include but are not limited to:

1.     1. Things they would never do (i.e.-hiking 2,600 miles from Mexico to Canada, becoming homeless on purpose in order to show people the love of Christ, running across America, literally running across America, as a means of raising awareness about chemical dependence and the children that are affected by it.)

2.    2.  Things they’ve done and can relate to (i.e.-signing onto facebook and getting pissed due to yet another new layout, vegging on the couch watching Gilmore Girls while eating their feelings because they got dumped via text message, or arriving promptly one hour late to a pivotal meeting only to discover they forgot about daylight savings time again.)

3.    3. Things they’ve always wanted to do but just never done (i.e.-travel the world, save a life, climb out from under their emotional stress, or simply tell someone what they really think.)

I want to write.

And I want what I write to be captivating.

So captivating that you will read it.

And then you will go tell your friends to read it, too.

I want to imagine up ways to inspire you, to encourage you, to inform you, and to empower you, oh, and to entertain you of course. 

An so I sit, on an uncomfortable wooden chair, consumed by words, ideas, passions.

Consumed by things that bring me joy.

Instead of things that paralyze me. Things that suck the life right out of me. Like dwelling in a murky pool of sadness playing victim to the choices my parents made.

Climb out of the pool and jump into the boundless ocean with me as I sit on an uncomfortable wooden chair dreaming up ways to bring hope, joy, and peace to others around this playground of a planet.

Are you captivated yet?


At February 26, 2010 at 10:25 AM , Blogger clms816 said...

Hi. I've never met you but I stumbled upon your blog through Deanna's blog, sounds a little weird, however I am captivated by your words and your descriptions of things in life. I love the way you write and think you should continue to keep writing. Before I read this blog entry I actually shared your blog with a friend who writes similarly and she has been enjoying your blog as well. Keep writing, you are great and are touching lives! :)


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