The Adventurist

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


There’s a pocket of people that live in the middle of a camp in the middle of a canyon in the middle of Oregon, and you’d be fortunate to one day find yourself in the middle too.

The camp is Washington Family Ranch. The town is Antelope, Oregon. And the streams of life and love are babbling, billowing, overflowing there.

There’s a whimsical magical melody that blows through the trees there. The breeze tiptoes off fence posts, and teeters on the shore of the pond, but just for a second before it plunges into the brisk water, rippling into stillness. The rays of the sun cascade down the hillsides before they launch themselves into the glistening eyes of the children that play there.

Hearts change. Perceptions change. Lives change in this place.

It’s like everyone that lives there is a giant bubble wand, waiting patiently for his or her chance to be grasped in the hand of the Lord. To be dunked in the bubble bottle. And to have unconditional joy blown through them. Bubbles of joy floating through the plush air, floating and frolicking, splashing on the heads of those in need, in need of a pocket full of joy.

It’s a journey to get to this place. Several single lane highways, a stretch of gravel, some stray cattle, and a super sized ice water with a side of light snacks will get you there from the small town of Madras, Oregon. It takes patience, the ability to drive slow to prevent motion sickness, and a good mix cd to successfully reach the ranch.

But you will be changed upon arrival.

The food will stretch your belly beyond contentment, and send your taste buds on a merry go round ride of ecstasy. The recreational activities will challenge your fears and your faith. The scenery will shatter the antique portrait of beauty you have stored in the attic of your brain. And the company will alter the way you view this fleeting life.

So take a chance.

Come visit.


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