The Adventurist

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Epiphanies and Revelries.

I just woke up.

And I woke up thinking about the word blog. It's a contraction of the two words, web and log, but really it's only a few letters short of bologna.

And then I started thinking about bologna. What's it made of? Who even consumes it? And then I started to think about how I would like to incorporate the word bologna into my vocabulary more often, simply due to its pending extinction. Bologna isn't pedantic and out of reach. It should become an active member of the vernacular. So use it. By all means, please don't eat it, but throw it out of your mouth with some other words sometime. I don't think anything would brighten my day more than someone shouting, "Now that's just bologna!"

In thinking about bologna, I then floated back to my appetite for words, and how sometimes it's insatiable.

Which then brought me to the epiphany, that with a love like mine, a passion, an obsession, an appreciation like mine, why would I ever consider not teaching English?

Which then brought me to brewing up assignments for my imaginary high school kids in their make believe classroom.

Which then brought me to the revelation that the dictionary application on the dashboard of my Mac, is quite possibly my best friend. In no way should that last statement be considered hyperbole. I hang out with him at least 6 times a day. I hung out with him 3 times already today. And little did I know that the word epiphany is biblical. I really had no idea. I'm not sure why I had no idea that it was biblical, but that doesn't change the fact that it is and I didn't know. Silly me.

All of this then reminded me that I need to e-mail my junior high American lit teacher, simply because the mundane SAT word memorization she subjected me to really crafted a nest in my brain. I find myself using those words often. I used several in this blog, and the other night during a squeaky clean game of Bananagrams, I spelled the word ennui, and no one believed it was indeed, a word.

Thank you Ms. Lamy and Ms. Pagano. For holding the chisel that etched those endangered words into the recesses of my brain.

All that from the word blog, before I even got out of bed this morning.

Welcome to my wandering mind. I'm delighted you could be a part of the revelry.


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