The Adventurist

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


"The little child has nothing to prove. nothing to show, nothing to be proud of. All the child needs to do is receive the love that is offered. Jesus wants us to receive the love He offers. He wants nothing more than that we allow Him to love us and to enjoy that love. This is so hard since we always feel that we have to deserve the love offered to us. But Jesus wants to offer that love to us not only because we have earned it, but because He has decided to love us independently of any effort on our side." - Henri J. M. Nouwen, The Road to Daybreak

I think the greatest compliment I've ever received was that of being referred to as child-like. 

I have nothing to prove. 

I have nothing to show.

I have nothing to be proud of.

I am a child. 




My whole life has been wrapped up in a box of trying to earn love, trying to prove my worth, trying to catch the attention of those outside my box. 

This year I hopped out of the box. 

God's love for me isn't something I have to work for. Something I have to strive for. Something I have to earn. 

There are no conditions. No stipulations. 

All I need to do is receive the love that is offered.

And so I sit. And so I receive.

My dreams and aspirations serve no greater purpose but to honor the Love of my life. 

And so I dream.

And so I aspire.

I'm crafting a website where you can take a little look see at the ways I'm dreaming and aspiring.

Stay tuned for the linkage.


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