The Adventurist

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Utmost.

I just read this and had to share...

"The teaching of Jesus hits us where we live. We cannot stand as humbugs before Him for one second. He educates us down to the scruple. The Spirit of God unearths the spirit of self-vindication; He makes us sensitive to things we never thought of before."

Chew on that for a second.

Oh I delight in thee.

Humbug. Scruple. And self-vindication. All in the same paragraph. Now that's talent.

A humbug is a person partaking in false or deceptive behavior. And in case you were wondering, humbuggery is a word as well.

A scruple is a feeling of doubt or hesitation. Not to be confused with scrupulous, which means extremely attentive to details.

And self-vindication, well that's to clear yourself of blame and suspicion.

I just love words. I love words that have become obsolete. The ones people never use anymore. That's what I love about Mr. Chambers. Not only does he get me to use my noggin since I have to read through his thoughts a couple times to understand them, but he's creative, and he pulls words out of his pocket that I have to plug into my dashboard dictionary.

Love itttt. Hope you do as well.


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