The Adventurist

Sunday, August 22, 2010


So I'm kind of on this kick right now where if I think a boy is attractive, I tell him. Only through facebook messages and hand delivered shout outs at dress up dinners thus far, but they're truths nonetheless.

I think you all should try it. I think we need to banish this whole play it coy, mind gamey wall that society has stacked up brick my aching brick. If you find someone attractive, just tell them. Just because you find them attractive doesn't necessarily mean you want to date them, it just means that they have certain qualities about them that you enjoy.

And I think people should hear that. It might do a bit towards banishing the sickly shouts coming from Satan's corner of the ring.

Well that's all I got.

Oh yeah, summer is overrrrrrr!!! Over the mountain and through the woods, back to housekeeping I go. Hoorayyy!


At August 24, 2010 at 12:53 AM , Blogger Megan said...

Although I do agree with telling people the truth and not playing games...we're getting close to creepy (you know, cat calls while walking down the street creepy). Not sure if that's what you were going for, but next time I see you, I'll throw one out ;)


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