The Adventurist

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rest Assured, but not Insured.

I've legitimately flown off the handle. I'm Sabrina the Post College Aged Witch and I'm no longer using my broom as a method of transportation, I'm using it as a weapon.

I'm trying to get insurance coverage. And it's a nightmare.

I worked for YoungLife. Incredible benefits and medical coverage. Praise the Lord I never mauled my hand in the giant Hobart mixing machine or fell off the high dive trying to get a great shot of the pool olympics, but if something freak accident-like should have happened, I would have been covered. Thanks to YoungLife.

Now that I've been kicked out of the campy nest, I'm plummeting to my demise below because it takes 30 FREAKING DAYS to process an individual insurance application. What the hell am I supposed to do in the meantime? Twiddle my thumbs and hope that I don't get hit by a drunk driver?

I got so angry with the lady on the phone, the 9-5'er that probably despises her job and spoke to me with no emotion at all. My temper was clearly escalating and she did nothing to appease me aside from repeating herself over and over again. So I eventually hung up on her. Hope that doesn't keep me from getting approved. IN A MONTH!!

Seriously though, what the hell?

I have roller derby practice tonight and they won't let me skate unless I have insurance. Pisser.

It's times like these when I hate America. A month? Seriously?


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