The Adventurist

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Slurp Lurp

So this happened quite a bit ago...but I couldn't just forget about one of the greatest most grotesque days of my life.

Twas a Saturday. A balmy 75 degrees. I had driven down to San Diego to play with my best friend and former roommate Yolanda...and embark on one of the greatest adventures known to man.

A slurpee crawl.

It's exactly how it sounds. The consumption of 88 ounces of pure sugar mayhem combined with 40 people ranging from 21 to mid 50's. There was much slurping and crawling.

It all started with an
 ad discovered by Yolanda on "The Second Annual Slurpee Pub Crawl," hosted by a man named Ruggy. She emailed me the link withou
t thinking of the repercussions. 

I had just happened to get the weekend off due to a long and arduous series of events and plans fell through so I ended up on a journey to Dego. There was no way I could miss this extraordinary event. I'm a Slurpee fiend. You can laugh. But it's my vice. I had one everyday of summer after I graduated high school and I think I could possibly be addicted. 

I arrived in SD early afternoon on Friday and Yo took me to my first reggae show. She stole my roots reggae virginity. She wouldn't have me 
going to any of "that mainstream garbage." I had a blast. I couldn't u
nderstand the words and the dancing was a bit different but I loved it nonetheless. 

And then it was Saturday.

The big day.

We arrived at the first 7-11 to see The Bounce...our whip for the afternoon. You see the actual date of this event was July 11th. 7/11. I didn't r
eally get that until the night before. 

We hit up the first 7-11 for out first 7.11 oz slurp lurp. There would be 10 more 7-11 stops, and 80 more ounces of tastiness throughout the next two hours. How long could I hang before vomiting all over myself?

Well good news kids. I made it through all 11 without spewing. But I've never felt so weird/gross in my life. I think I gained about five pounds in those two hours of monotony.

After we arrived back at our original 7-11 location, Yo and I took some pics with The Rugginator and then headed to Balboa park to walk it off. The "it" being our excessive sugar intake. We ended up happening upon something quite 
peculiar and far too entertaining. 

Yo and I literally sat and watched a dog and a squirrel for 15 minutes of life. But this wasn't just 
any squirrel. It was possessed and altogether evil. It was teasing the small dog incessantly and despite how incredibly sad it was, we continued to watch...and laugh.

The day ended with some sick nasty Taco Bell, a visit to the sunset bluffs, and a midnight viewing of Austria's finest...Bruno.

I'd say that's quite the adventure. 


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