The Adventurist

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Def Jam Poetry and A Life List

My two new favorite things in life right now involve four guys on a road trip and an amazing poet. 

So my journalism professor this quarter is a sassy badass with somewhat of a permanent thizz face. She comes into class the first day demanding that we all set The New York Times as our internet browser homepage. Since she scares me, I did it. 

Yesterday I was browsing The Times and I discovered this article talking about how MTV is trying to re-vamp their image and instead of all the trashy rich kid drama they put out, they're going to start having shows with more positive images like Taking the Stage, TI's Road to Redemption, and the newest one is called The Buried Life. 

The Buried Life is about four guys who have set out on a road trip across the country embarking on a mission to complete a list of 100 things they want to do before they die. Their mission is so powerful because with each item they cross off their list, they find a stranger to help complete something that that person wants to do before they die. I spent an hour yesterday playing around on their website and watching heart-warming videos. This has always been a dream of mine and I hope to spend the next couple years of my life plotting and planning something very similar. Check it out. the

While I was browsing their site, I found a video of this phenomenal spoken word poet. Seriously, breath-taking. He goes by the name of Rives and I think I might be in love with him. I'm an English major, a word girl if you will. I have stacks and stacks of books, I volunteered at the library when I was in middle school, I proofread my texts...let's just say I love words. And this man is a complete master of words. He's fascinating and his words are strung together so eloquently, powerfully, emotionally provoking. I want to marry him. Tomorrow. Please watch his youtube videos under shopliftwindchimes.


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