The Adventurist

Monday, October 14, 2013

bangerz and cheese curdz.

I just bought Miley Cyrus' latest album. Yeah, I was embarrassed at first, but ya know, sometimes you have to do some embarrassing things. I really have no defense. I was drawn to the title, Bangerz, and the cameos with Nelly and Ludacris. Shame on me.

At school the other day 20 kindergartners and first graders were running around flashing finger staches. I wonder how their parents felt about those during the evening bath routine. Sorry I'm not sorry.

I used to be the 3/4 ASES (After School Education and Safety) teacher. Now, I've been displaced, and I get to frolic with the K/1 kiddos. Life has never been more amusing. Their tiny voices and opinions about the world have got me stumbling. I'm head over heels for these kids.

The other day one comes up to me and says, "Ms. Carley (they struggle with the Mc), I'm going to be a bampire for Halloween." Bampire. Classic.

Another insists that I play Chutes and Ladders with him everyday. When I try and spread my love to the others, he says, "Oh, c'mon!" in his tiny lispy voice. "C'mon Ms. McCarley, oh c'mon!" My heart melts.

I have another named Estevan. He insists that we call him Steven. He's 5 and already renouncing his ethnic roots. What is this world we live in?

Singing Down by the Bay with them is life-altering. "Have you ever seen a ______________ with a ______________?" Just imagine how they fill in those blanks. There is lots of kissing involved. They're obsessed with kissing right now. Kissing and farting. Ignoring it seems to be the only answer. If I acknowledge either, they lose it in a fit of hysterics. Imagine me, sitting in the rocker at the front of the class, reading a story, they're ripping farts, and me attempting to ignore and move on. It's pretty amusing. I've tried doing the "those sounds are for the bathroom, do you have to go to the bathroom?" thing. They undoubtedly will respond with an emphatic "No" as everyone around is rolling on the floor. So I choose to ignore. Be amused. I certainly am.

I'm listening to Miley as I'm writing here, and the expletives she's dropping are still shocking. Hannah Montana. What happened to you? The shock value definitely sucked me in. I'm amused by her. She's nuts. Entertaining to say the least.

I've come to terms with the fact that I spend all my money on music and food. I looked at how much I owe in school loans the other day and had a minor heart attack. Next thing you know we will have Filing For Bankruptcy Friday to go along with Selfie Sunday and Throwback Thursday. #alliwantedwasaneducation

I spent the weekend drinking cheap alcohol and learning elementary Spanish. Not simultaneously. Rosetta wouldn't like that. I did some art. Read a book. Washed my car. Played some Mario Kart and did laundry. Stopped by the seafood festival. Apparently eating sea urchins is the new thing. All along the docks people slurping that orange goopy stuff out of the middle of a ball of purple needles. Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure they have all those spikes for a reason. Probably because those insides are POISON! You won't catch me eating no sea urchin. Bleh. Although I do eat Taco Bell so call me hypocrite.

My dreams are haunted by all the blood and guts I've been watching on TV these days. Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead, why must you do me so dirty?

I'm running a marathon in less than a month. The painful three mile run I went on this morning would speak otherwise. Gotta cut back on all that cheap alcohol. Spend less time stuck inside the Netflix and get those miles in. I get to rendezvous with my besties so soon. Wisconsin ain't gonna know what hit it. Connie, Bonnie, and Steve frolicking through America's dairyland. Can't wait to try some of them cheese curdz.


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