The Adventurist

Friday, May 31, 2013

rapping through harsh love.

Boom sha ka la ka. Here I am!!

I know, I know. What the hell? Where have I been? This blog has died and been resurrected more than that one time when Jesus was...should get some fame or notoriety for that right?

I just finished day nine of my ten day takeover of my fifth grade class. These kids are causing me to go prematurely gray while simultaneously revitalizing my soul. They're magical little beings like that. The first three days as the solo teacher in my classroom of 32 fifth graders were gruesome. I barely made it out alive. The past two days have been overflowing with deep thinking and rich learning. 

I just spent the past two hours reading the random autobiographies they wrote about themselves as well as the narratives they wrote about some various misunderstood animals. Some of them are just soo good. I was brought to tears and laughing moments later. My adventure with ten year olds is rapidly drawing to a close but not without some notable anecdotes to tuck into my pockets for later enjoyment.

The highlight of my life occurred yesterday at approximately 1:57 pm when my students were presenting about a science experiment they've been conducting for the past couple weeks. One student said "orgasm" instead of "organism" and I almost laughed out loud. Every adult in the room was close to exploding. The mutual silent entertainment was electric and rather epic. The kid kept presenting seamlessly, left completely unawares as to the pure comedic mayhem he had created inside of all the immature adults in the room. Shame on us. But thank you young man, for spicing up the rather boring respiration lesson you were attempting to share with us. 

I recently had my students create "I am" books in which they were asked to contemplate and document as many positive characteristics about themselves as they could. One student wrote "I like chicken pens." Although he missed the point, he succeeded in making me giggle. Well done sweet child, well done. 

Another student in the same "I am" book wrote "I am taken." Ten year old relationships are flourishing in my classroom. I'm mildly amused at their fervent attempts to pass letters across the classroom. They have an entire entourage of folks engrossed in this machine like conveyor belt as they pass the note under feet and behind chairs. I am reminded of that childhood game Mouse Trap. All of the elements involved, the decoys, the obstacles, all chained together, all end in demise. Your love note will never make it to its recipient. I intercept and threaten to read in front of the class. I feed off your embarrassment. How dare you attempt to breed wild and innocent love in my classroom?! 

They're really cute though. 

The same student enclosed a rather melodramatic love song at the end of his random autobiography. The title of his memoir: "Rapping Through Harsh Love." He's ten. And he be rapping through some harsh love. 

I just don't ever want to leave them. I wanted to strangle them the first couple days of my takeover. They questioned everything. The amount of backtalk and disrespect was ludicrous. I left school defeated and rather fragile everyday. Day three left me on the verge of tears. And then we got progressively better. Yesterday and today have been absolutely joyous. I'm so proud of all of the work they have accomplished. They have four days left in fifth grade and they've all been working so hard. 

I love what I do. No matter how exhausting and seemingly unrewarding it may be at times, the pros far outweigh the cons. At least at this point. Yes, I'm a young teacher, full of vitality and fresh perspective, not yet jaded by the educational system. I hope I always remain this way. Able to press into the hardness and as iron sharpens iron come away more refined with greater perspective as to how I can be an even better teacher. 

My graduation ceremony is in two weeks and boy is it going to be a doozy. My mother, biological father, and ex step-dad will all be present. Drama will undoubtedly ensue. They haven't been in the same room together since my high school graduation. Let the booze flow freely because I can't be bothered to act as mediator. Of course the ceremony just so magically happens to fall on Father's Day and of course all three dads will be present. Bio, ex-step, and pseudo. The former two will certainly be vying for my affections and appreciations as the latter kicks back enjoying the show. Drama central at the Andamar house. I spoke with my brother about discreetly hiding a video camera to capture it all. 

I simply can't wait. 


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