The Adventurist

Thursday, February 14, 2013

warm fuzzies.

Yeah, yeah, it's Valentine's Day. I had a hot date with a one year old this evening. Yes I chose to babysit on V-day. Although I didn't get the kiss good night I was hoping for, she did smile at me a few times and was even willing to share her blanket, so I can't complain.

The great thing about holidays in elementary schools is that they have the ability to fly you to the moon when you're feeling especially self deprecating. Take today for I am, in my mid-20's and single on Valentine's Day. And what do I get, tons of chocolates and flowers and special little notes from all my new friends in fifth grade. I have to share them with you because they will most certainly make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

So the deal in my classroom is that the kids had to write an appreciation for every kid and teacher in the class before they could get their own appreciations in yes, they were being forced into writing these nice things to me, but hey, I'll take what I can get.

And here they are...

"Miss McCarley, I like that when you give me M & M's in the first day when you come to Room 2B." - Yes, I bribed them into thinking fondly of me.
"Thank you for helping us on problems. To: Miss McCarley"
"Thank you for teaching me how to add and subtract fractions. I LOVE fractions!"
"Miss McCarley, thank you for being our new student teacher."
"I appreciate how you are very kind and funny." - I'm funny. The kids think I'm funny, hooray!!
"Miss McCarley, I like how you act yourself. I hope later in the year we have more crazy adventures and read more fun books." - girl after my own's no coincidence that she's about 5'11'' at 10 years old and loves crazy adventures and I get to be her student teacher.
"Dear Miss McCarley, I appreciate how you sent us a letter. I believe you're a good letter writer. I also thank you for the help you give us. Thank you very much."
"You're a good athlete and very nice."
"I appreciate your niceness."
"I appreciate that you help me with my work."
"I hope you'll be our 6th grade student teacher." - I've only been in the classroom a month and they already want me for another year. Praise Jesus.
"I appreciate how nice you are."
"I like it when you help me with my work."
"I like that you always help me and you always listen to me Miss McCarley."
"I appreciate that you help me when I need you."
"Thank you for being my student teacher. I hope you have a good day!"
"Dear Miss McCarley, I appreciate how you always help me when I need help and you taught me things I never knew." - Oh yeah, pat on the back for this one.
"From my perspective you are a very nice and smart teacher."
"I like it when you help me."

and my all time favorite,

"I appreciate how nice you are deep down." - this kid knows me. Deep down.

I also snuck into my first grade classroom for a moment today and got the the biggest most wonderful group hug from 22 little 6 year olds. Words can't describe the feelings.

I love what I'm doing and couldn't be happier. But the stress of the graduate school work load is cracking me slowly and surely. Which explains the bloggish negligence.

Sorry bout it.


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