The Adventurist

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

pocketful of thanks.

It's Thanksgiving and my brother is in the hospital.

In the midst of trying times, I am reminded just how much I really have to be thankful for.

No, I'm not thankful for the bitchy secretary behind the counter in the ICU who told us we couldn't have more than two visitors in Patric's room, but I am thankful I got to overhear my pops put her in her place while dropping a few expletives in the process. Johnny's bravery and belligerence together make for a great show.

No, I'm not thankful for the deflated demeanor of my little brother and his exasperation with this whole situation, but I am thankful that he still cracks jokes in spite of it all. Patric's strength and resilience baffle me, humble me, grow me into a more patient and appreciative spirit.

No, I'm definitely not thankful for the dirty Taco Bell we keep shoveling down our throats in lieu of hospital cafeteria food, but I am definitely thankful that I didn't crack my hubcap when I ran into that drive thru curb on the way to get those tacos.

Of course I'm not very thankful for the empty bed I'm sleeping in while I'm home because it's Patric's and I wish he was there snoring and farting beside me, but I am so thankful for neurosurgeons that can cut open brains and make things ok, at least momentarily.

I don't know why we decided as a country that we can only be thankful for things during this one particular time of the year. Or why we decided it's so necessary to become overwhelmingly gluttonous as we belch out our thanks in gurgley turkey breath garble while we rub our bellies and fall into food comas. But we do. And we will.

The house is quiet tonight. Thanksgiving eve. I've got the Solo Piano Pandora station on and although there's not a fire on the hearth, I'm pretending.

I am thankful for this family that birthed me from their Jesus loving loins just over a decade ago. They've been thrashed by medical emergencies and financial hardships but their unwavering faith and unending love win out repeatedly. No words could stack themselves up tall enough to ever amount to how grateful I am for this beautiful perfect wondrous family that calls me their own.

Jami. Johnny. Kristina. And Patric. I am so thankful for you. Everyday of my life.


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