The Adventurist

Saturday, August 17, 2013

happy as a clam.

Life is good people. Life is good.

I just got hired to be a lead teacher for an after school program...all that means is I'll be responsible for a combo class of about 24 kids for 3 hours a day...assisting with homework and such. Coupling this with my PE teacher title and my fresh new babysitting gig (Emery Age: 5 months) I'll be making enough money to surrender my cloak of servitude that I don each day in the restaurant industry. It's been real Bacara Bistro...and at times it was fun. But don't kid yourself, it was never real fun. Getting to casually walk past celebrities while carrying trays full of sloppy food plates was quite the treat, but it's time to utilize my degree for once.

I dated a doctor for a second and he inspired me to finally start that record collection I've been meaning to for years. Although my dads weren't as present as I would have liked them to be in my most formative of years, they've really stepped it up here in my land of woman-dom. As soon as I made my first record purchase I sent a text to both of them (both bio and ex-step), "I'm looking to find an old school record player, any leads?" They both rose to the occasion with, what's that expression, oh, flying colors. Although, I'm not sure what that means. I digress. Twenty-four hours after diving into this new hobby I accrued two record players, a set of archaic speakers, and two milk crates full of old records. Hip hip hooray.

I recently sent an email to my elderly Asian landlady pleading for permission to get a dog. I buttered her up real nice and am really hoping that flowery email will do the trick in breaking up her no pet policy. It's time for me to have a little friend to pal around with. Moreso I'm looking for an accountability partner in getting my ass out to run regularly. I'm less likely to roll over and press snooze when I have a furry friend that needs to be walked, or run rather.

I magically got a little three day vacay from the dungeons of the Bacara Bistro. As soon as I got the notice I jetted to Riverside for some much needed family time. Although I spent most of my hours there eating egregious amounts of carbs, I did spend an entire day walking around an amusement park full of underwater animals, so maybe I burned a few of those off.

The highlight of that trip was giggling with my nephew and getting sleep punched in the face by my little brother, repeatedly. Man, I sure do love getting sleep punched. After this happened about 6 times, I decided I didn't love it as much anymore and tried to crash out in my sister's bed. But she snores like a bear. And that's not an exaggeration. So then my final refuge ends up being the over-sized armchair posted in front of the giant backlit big-screen with FIFA on the PS3 flashing in my face. My brother in-law falls asleep playing it every night while my nephew sleeps on his chest.

This is the game I play when I go home. Sleep drunk musical beds. Where will my lethargic body finally land for fitful rest. But that's a price I'll gladly pay to hang out with this gentleman:

This picture is silly but I like it. I picture him thinking in his little brain: "Are you there God, it's me Kayden. This strange female is gently kissing my head and taking an obsessive amount of photos of me. Can you help a brotha out and get her off me for a second?"

Life is good people. Life is good.


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