The Adventurist

Sunday, April 24, 2011

wherefore art thou Jesus?

I woke up early this morning to go running (something I haven't been doing consistently, ohhh, since HIGH SCHOOL!) and discovered that not only did I fail to bring a pair of my plethora of running shoes, I don't even have a sports bra... see what had happened was...

I had all of my laundry in a basket safely buckled up in the backseat of my car. Literally. I have a tall laundry basket and it likes to topple over, so I buckle it in. Well, I was planning on bringing my laundry home and there are several sports bras garbled up in that soiled mess. I pit stop in Ventura to swoop up my brother, only to have my lovely grandmother offer to do my laundry for me, as she tends to do.

So now I am void of said sports bras and the shoes, well I don't really know what happened there. Perhaps the fumes from the fake fire knocked someone off their rocker, or perhaps strapped them in it so they couldn't go running. I could just borrow shoes from psuedo-mom because believe it or not, we wear the same size, but that doesn't solve the bra issue. I would just borrow a sports bra but believe it or not, her dub D bras aren't gonna strap me down with comfort to run.

So needless to say, I will remain here in this bed, whimsically twiddling until it's time to hold hands and skip off to Easter Sunday Service.

I do a lot of this 'needless to say' and then I say whatever is so needless. What a walking conundrum. That's a good word, conundrum. You should use it often. Make it part of your vernacular. 'I'll say Bob...that peep show from the last blog presented me with quite the conundrum...I didn't know whether to laugh or scorn whoever posted that.'

I burned the conventional taste buds off my wicked tongue. I no longer taste right and wrong.

What a conundrum.

Here I go skipping. Tra la la.


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