The Adventurist

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Music is my savior.

God speaks to me through song. Whenever I'm having 'a moment,' I open up my itunes library, and some song, divinely inspired, will transcend all space and time, embedding itself in my heart, transforming my mind, bringing me to a place of peace once again.

Today it's three songs in succession. I Am Still Running, Only Love Remains, and Look to the Garden. Jon Foreman, JJ Heller, and Leanna Bumstead.

I'm a runner. I run. Although I have not been physically running in ages, except that humbling encounter of a few days ago, I have been running. To or from what I am not certain. I can sit here and try and define it, trying to understand it as I try to help you understand it, but regardless, I am running. Running without purpose. Running on empty.

Running into oblivion for I am lost.

For once I am not dreaming about the future. I know not what my future holds. I only know this moment that I sit inside of, here in my room, on my floor, tapping keys with fervor.


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