The Adventurist

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance aside...

Every hindrance, including this wretched cold that is wreaking havoc upon my feeble body.

Congestion is winning. Pummeling my sinuses, battering my lungs. The aches leech energy out of me slowly, until I am a limp lump lying on the floor.

I haven't been this sick in some time.

But I am pressing onward.

The good never left. It was there all along, as was the light shining behind the door I so foolishly closed.

My brain is fuzzy and there is a whiny noise in my ears. I'm having a hard time paying attention and there is tissue stuffed up my nose. The room is dark and the covers are warm. I'm in the middle of Dumb and Dumber and dreading work in the morning. Perhaps I'll call in...

I am sick you know.


At March 4, 2011 at 3:04 AM , Blogger Teresa said...

Pei pa koa is pretty decent cough medicine (from herbal as I remembered), great non alcoholic medicine, some western cough medicine are more effective, but this is non drowsy.

You can access info online @


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