The Adventurist

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Growing. Flowering.

I'm reading a twisted ass book right now. I've been cursing a lot in this blog of mine...I am Clark Gable and frankly my dear, I just don't give a damn...

Again, I am reading a twisted ass book right now.

It's called Thirteen Reasons Why.

It's about a high school girl that kills herself...and there are thirteen reasons why...thirteen people to be more precise. And so before she kills herself she tells the stories of each of these thirteen individuals and how they have all contributed to her demise. Then she sends the tapes out to the first of the thirteen people...and instructs them to send them on one by one, until all thirteen have heard their portion. She tells them that there is a third party who has copies of all of the tapes and will be following each of them around to make sure they're listening...and if they don't listen or send them on to the next person, the third party will expose the tapes to the public.

Yeah, sick.

But as I am reading, there is so much truth in the book, truth about how every little thing we do, every choice we make, affects someone else. No matter how harmless. Innocuous. Choice matters.

It's definitely a page-turner. Dark and depressing, but I am blowing through it. And thinking about starting my own tapes...noooo, not in that way, but a method of forcing myself, outside of myself. If that makes any sense. I am learning how to speak, like a child learns to walk. I've never been one to openly share feelings, thoughts, anything, unless of course it's through writing, a letter, you all know that about me now don't you? But I am learning to speak...and I think that recording myself could escalate the process right? I don't know. Thoughts coming out through fingers into a blog without making sense. I'm going to try it. The whole voice-recording thing...maybe I'll start podcasting!! That's the ticket. Ha.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes.

I'll try to be back more often. But this shit will be raw, and real. I am different now. Changed for the better. Breaking convention and crashing into Christ with a fierceness I've never known before.

So keep reading if you dare.


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