The Adventurist

Friday, May 9, 2014

better for it.

It's funny to think that just a few weeks ago I was having this magical and romantic tryst, fully adventurous and unconventional in its transgression. And each time I click on my blog I am reminded of it, and hesitant to write something on top of it.

Probably for fear of losing those moments. For they are gone. He broke up with me. Which is all well and good. I am fine. Nowhere near as broken up as the last time, when I did the breaking up, and I spent upwards of a year trying to heave myself over the heartbreak. Although this one was a total blindside, I am better for it. In his words, I am not alternative enough.


Now that's out of the way, on to bigger and better things.

I made a decision a week ago.

I want to finish the 50 before 30. As in, I want to complete my goal of running a marathon in every state by the time I turn 30. Which means I have 36 states to do in 3 years. A marathon a month is easy enough. And then I started thinking about how I have the entire month of July and most of August to fool around. Teacher sched does that for you.

Read that. It's funny.

Anyway, I have tentative plans to run 4 marathons in 4 weeks starting July 13th (The Missoula Marathon), just 10 days after I get back from my solo trip to Peru. I figured rather than just doing one a month, why not do one a week, forget one a week (Mt. Sneffels Marathon), why not two in a weekend (Run With the Horses Marathon and Leading Ladies' Marathon). Yeah, that's how I like to get carried away.

Plans for Wyoming and South Dakota in the same weekend. Gettin' nasty wit it.

All the while, it will be me and my hammock. Camping, hiking, writing, running and spending time with myself. Meeting new people with Couchsurfing and exposing myself to new experiences. Maybe writing a book or two. Running marathons all the while.

Life is good. Life is full.

By the way, the play I've been directing goes off next Thursday night. Yeah, it's a second grade rendition of The Jungle Book. Gotta start somewhere. I went to a middle school production of Hairspray last night and it was surprisingly quite good. Rovenna, the young woman I used to bathe when she was 6 (I'm getting old), is now a Dynamite in Seaweed's gang. Yeah, she goes to a private school where they had to preface the performance with a disclaimer. "Yes, there are white kids playing black kids. Get over it." That was the jist of it (maybe not those words exactly). Anyway, it got me to thinking, I'm kinda into this children's theatre thing. I might be on to bigger and better productions, or maybe I'll just stick to my gaggle of 7 year olds. At least when I screw up, I can just blame it on the age group. "They're 7! What did you expect?!"

Also, I've gotten myself into some spoken word poetry these days. When I say gotten myself into, I mean I've just been watching endless youtube videos of poets performing their craft, falling head first into a pool of creative inspiration. I wrote a poem. And then performed it. Only for myself. But I recorded it (made a voice memo - no video yet). And I like it. And I'm going to keep doing that until I get the nerve to do it in public, or in front of a camera, for the youtube. Writing is fun.

I have big ideas and big dreams. He made me feel as if mine weren't big enough. He broke up with me, and I am better for it.


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