The Adventurist

Sunday, May 18, 2014

bare necessities.

This week has surely been a doozy.

Thursday evening marked the end of a 6 month theatrical endeavor and a milestone to add to my resume. I had my breakthrough performance as a play director, and they had a serious case of the sweats (let's be real, I did too). It was over a 100 degrees in the cafeteria that night and my friends left after 20 minutes because they couldn't handle the severe discomfort induced by shoving hundreds of sweaty Latinos into a confined space. Add the spotlights and the dancing children and you've got a recipe for heat stroke hysteria.

Some of us didn't have the option of leaving. Not that I would have, had I been given the choice. These kids are just too captivating. No seriously. I was told on two separate occasions that this was the best second grade rendition of The Jungle Book yet. And that's sayin' somethin' people. This is like the 5th year they've done the same play. You think they throw that accolade on everyone?

Well maybe.

But I'm gonna tuck it in my pocket full of things to be proud of, because I embarked on this journey with not a hint of experience in the field of directorship. Especially with a gaggle of 7-year-olds.

And I walked out of the sweaty heat cloud to applause and flowers. I might even consider doing it again someday. Minus the sweaty heat cloud. Seriously, screw this heat wave.

After Thursday's events, Friday tumbled in with a boat dive out at Anacapa Island. Ya see, I'm working on getting my scuba diving certification. So I rode on a boat for a little over an hour out to what can only be described as a magical place. The relentless flies weren't so magical, but the dolphins and the sea lions and the massive lobster, yeah those were all pretty magical. And I got to swim with them.

Scuba diving is a very weird thing. Breathing underwater is just nuts and I don't know if I'll ever be fully comfortable with it, but I faced a huge fear of mine in signing up for this certification. We went on three dives that day and I literally swam with a sea lion. He was so curious about us that he kept swimming around and around, playfully assessing the situation, as if to say "hey you, yeah you, you don't belong here." I know Mr. Sea Lion. I know.

There were massive fish swimming in my face and loads of sea urchins sitting there all ominous, ready to strike should I accidentally bump one. The second dive we discovered a giant, and I mean GIANT, crab. My instructor accidentally bumped an area near his home and he came out with ferocity, I could see it in his face but mostly in his defensively raised GIANT pincers. "Come at me bro!" His body language said it all. I was like, "nah bro, I'll pass on this one."And I swam away rull quicklike.

The third dive was my favorite mainly because we got to weasel our way through a ton of kelp and the rocky terrain was home to the biggest lobsters I've ever seen. Like cray cray big. Getting to swim amongst all these underwater creatures blew my mind. I am hooked.

Saturday made for a beautiful wedding extravaganza. My good friend Melissa married her boyfriend of 7 years in the Mural Room at the Santa Barbara Courthouse to the sounds of a sweet mariachi band (at 10:30 in the morning). The band followed the newlyweds and we followed the band down three blocks to where the reception was going off. Coolest idea ever. A wedding processional on a busy Saturday down a main drag of Santa Barbara. Too much fun. I also had too much fun with the bottomless margaritas. Oops. Made for a violent hangover come midnight. We won't get into the gruesome details of that one.

And today, well today has been a good one. Aside from the hint of a hangover that's still lingering, I finally used the winnings from the writing contest from so many years ago. Spent a total of $16 of my own money and $500 of someone else's and bought I think a total of 6 items from That ish is expensive. I also visited the REI site and bought myself a new sleeping bag (a nice one!) and a SteriPen (for all my water sterilizing needs). Summer adventures, here I come!

Welcome to my life. My doozy of a life.


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