The Adventurist

Friday, February 28, 2014

cruise control.

Lately I've been driving in my car alone, moving in silence (sometimes a little classical or Ke$ha on in the background), sitting on how full and happy my life is right now.

In those moments I've realized, I have become a middle lane driver. Not old enough to drive in the slow lane, and no longer young and speedy enough to hang out in the fast lane, I am quite content cruising in my middle lane, letting those on either side of me do their thing in comfort.

Despite all the countless commitments I've made for this year already, somehow that sense of urgency has left me. My internal cruise control is set to 65 and I can move from place to place with a calm sense of, ya know what, everything's gonna be alright. I'll get there when I get there.

I reflect on this most when I get lonely and crave a husband and kids. I'll get there when I get there.

So let's talk about all those commitments. So far this year I have…

- Written for the Santa Barbara International Film Festival (yes, I had a red carpet press pass to stand within wafting distance of my childhood heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio)
- Accepted a position directing the 2nd grade rendition of the Jungle Book (yes, I can now add play director to my resume; let's just ignore the pre-existing complete lack of experience and talk about how I have to orchestrate 65 seven year olds for a 45 minute play)
- Assisted a professional photographer at a central coast wedding (yes, I pretended to be a second shooter but couldn't figure out how to work my damn camera)
- Ran a marathon in Arizona (yes, I'm about to run another one in Arkansas only 2 weeks later; call me nutty)
- Accepted a freelance writing position for Competitor Magazine (yes, I get to call elite runners and ask them questions about how awesome they are, write about it, and then people actually read it)
- Hosted several Arbonne events (yes, I've debated whether I should actually massage the feet of my attendees, and yet, I still have not arrived at an answer)
- Watched my 11 month old nephew walk across the living room (yes, he also knows how to drink out of a cup like an adult, because I taught him how)
- Bought a ticket to travel solo to Peru for almost a month (yes, I'm hiking the Inca Trail, and no I will not be getting drunk on Pisco and wandering down dark alleys by myself at midnight)
- Implemented Mile Week and Fit Week at my elementary school (yes, once a month every student on campus runs the mile for time, even the kindergartners)

And it's only the last day of February. Life is full. And good.

I miss my family often, but more and more Santa Barbara is becoming my forever home.