The Adventurist

Saturday, March 16, 2013


My sister had a baby two days ago. And I got toddler poop on my hands tonight. We're together in spirit. And united by tiny human feces on our fingers.

I missed the birth of my nephew because I was engrossed in fifth grade math, teaching kids how to add and subtract positive and negative integers. Don't worry, there was elevator music involved. So all is well in the world.

EdTPA. I curse you with my poopy hands. I'm mid way through the bane of my existence, a teacher performance assessment that's got me jumping through hoops like one of those dogs with the clown collars. You know what I'm talking about.

This is me:

Through the hoop...but not safely on the ground yet.

I just got finished with the most hellish week in my graduate school career. Well, it was actually quite fun, but the stress leading up to and throughout those four days of positives and negatives with 33 ten years olds was a lot to chew on. I lost some hairs and pitted out too many times to count. I kid you not, one student came up to me and said, "Miss McCarley, you might not want to raise your arms too much." Good lookin' out girlfriend. We share the same first name. She got my back.

As a stress release from this insane assessment, I've been partaking in recess shenanigans with my students. Monday was soccer. Tuesday was basketball. And yesterday was kickball. I was on an equal playing field in soccer because I'm about as good as a ten year old. Basketball I had to tone it down a notch. Kids don't have fun when you're dunking over their heads and blocking their shots outrageously. So I became the passer. I had some pretty epic assists let me tell you. Kickball was good stuff. Until I got to see first hand the poor sportsmanship and cheating that runs rampant amongst some of my students. Don't worry, we had a talk. And the game ended with a screaming crying child who was about to fight someone. Let's just say bullying is a big thing in fifth grade. It breaks my heart.

All in all fifth grade is pretty wonderful though. We laugh. We talk about secret crushes. We learn about fractions and phases of matter and figurative language.

I'm a quarter away from getting my teaching credential. Three months away from presenting my Master's thesis. I have my first teacherly job interview on Monday morning. Hopefully the green beer on Sunday doesn't stain my teeth or anything. Gotta celebrate my irishness.

The interview is at a K-1 private school in Santa Monica. It's called Garden of Angels. The classrooms have names like the Butterfly Lounge and Sunshine Station. As silly as it sounds, their philosophy is pretty spot on with what I stand for. We'll see how it goes on Monday. I'll let you know.

Sorry I've been away for so long. You have to remember, I'm engrossed in a year long integrated credential Master's program in which I also get a year's worth of student teaching done at the same time. It's nuts.