The Adventurist

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


News as of late...

I just babysat for LeeLee Sobieski. For four days. Epic.

I'm officially a bartender. Which means I get tips. Lots of them.

I applied for grad school. Officially in God's hands...and the hands of the office of admissions.

I'm falling in love.

And I'm pet-sitting a chinchilla named Quasimodo.

Oh, and I got a Wii Fit for Christmas. So that's cool.

Writing a lot. Just not for your eyes. But eventually I'll be back.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Someday I'm gonna write more. More for you. Lately I've been writing a lot for me. My deepest apologies faithful readers.

I have ideas for a new blog. Hopefully to be posted soon.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


A friend showed me a new blog today and I got jealous. Insanely jealous. So jealous that I immediately wanted to hate the blog. I wanted to hate the blog because it was so awesome. So epic. So wildly viral. Something like 4 million hits. 38,000 or so followers.


That's really all I want for my blog. For it to go wildly viral. Is that really so much to ask? It's not like I'm asking for a million dollars, or a million fresh new pairs of shoes, or a million unicorns frolicking in a meadow with pogo-sticking garden gnomes and ribbon dancing dinosaurs with their tiny little arms. No. I'd just like a million hits on my silly little blog.

But my blog sucks. It stinks. It's insignificant and lacking in the "what it takes to go viral" category. There's too much text. Not enough pictures. I'm not concise enough. Or witty enough. Or innovative enough. I haven't figured out if my goal is to make you laugh, to make you think, to make you cry...basically my blog  has no consistency and therefore will never go viral.

Pity me.

And I know you're curious, and as I much as I'd like to hate it, I actually adore it...

The blog is called Hyperbole and A Half. Go ahead and check it out. It's all things magical and more.

I think I might be creating a new blog soon. Good thing "soon" has no time specifications. My brain is a heaping pile of porridge at this moment.  And porridge is never a good thing.

Soon sweet cherubs. Soon enough.


you know what to do.


and thank you.